Saturday, May 19, 2012

#13 The Quay

The rest of that evening went quickly and Kevin took Molly back to the B&B never even realizing what all had happened between Molly and Erin.  Molly was a big girl and figured she had handled herself well and had gotten on fine with the rest of the group.

“Remember tomorrow afternoon we're going to have lunch with my mum and granny.  That will give you a chance to sleep in some and have a bit of breakfast here at the B&B,” Kevin explained to Molly as he leaned over to kiss her goodnight.

“I probably won't be sleeping too late, but might take a bit of a walk around tomorrow morning.  That always gets me ready for the day,”  Molly smiled back as she turned and entered the B&B for the night. 

The next morning Molly quickly dressed and stopped in the breakfast room for some freshly baked scones, a plate of fruit and some tea.  She usually didn't each too much for breakfast and this was just perfect.  Having the added treat of freshly baked scones was only something her mum had done for her on occasion. 

When she was finished she headed out the door for a walk to the National Botanic Gardens to see the glass houses with all the foliage around.  Since this was winter, there were few flowers in bloom, but the glass houses held thousands of samples of what would be coming in the future.  The fragrance of the mulch and greenery brought her back home since she was a bit too far to walk to the bay.  The walk didn't take long and she was back at the B&B with plenty of time to get ready for lunch with Kevin and his family. 

She no sooner came down the stairs dressed and ready when she saw Kevin pull up in front of the B&B.  She wondered why his car was empty as she had expected to see his mum and granny with him.

“Where's you mum and granny?” Molly queried as she came out the door.

“We 're going to meet them at the restaurant, as I have some other plans for us today, and they didn't want to run around doing sightseeing with us,” Kevin chuckled.

“I knew you would be missing the water, so we're going to meet out at Howth for lunch, right on Dublin Bay. And definitely a short ride up to the top of Howth Head for a good look over to the Wicklows and Ireland's Eye. I'm hoping the fog will not catch up with us today,”  Kevin explained, obviously taking in Molly's interests in their sightseeing.

Kevin traveled the road over to Clontarf which would lead them all along the inlet of the bay out to Howth.  Not many boats strayed into this area, but there were plenty of fishermen out in the shallows early today.  Molly enjoyed the ride and the scenery.  Kevin explained that they would be going to eat at King Sitric, his granny's favorite seafood restaurant.  And being on the pier, that Molly would probably like it also.

They arrived about a half hour early and took a walk out to the lighthouse at the end of the pier and back.  The seals were begging for tidbits all along the way and seemed to want to come up on the pier to play.  Molly's guess was that fishermen were throwing scraps from the fish they cleaned as they brought their catch in for the day spoiling these playful seals.

As they arrived back, Kevin noticed his mum's car so they headed into the King Sitric's restaurant.  The smell of fish was all around and so familiar to Molly. Just like Kilmore Quay.  And here they were just thirty minutes out of city center.  What a surprise this was to her.

Kevin's mun and granny could not have been more accommodating.  They were open and friendly from the moment Molly sat down.  Molly had guessed that Kevin had been talking openly with them about her, and that they were very happy he had found someone to spend his time with.  They asked loads of questions about Kilmore Quay, and Kevin's mum even mentioned that she was familiar with Molly's dad and his accomplishments in sailing. 

The food was delicious, and the lunch time passed so quickly that Molly felt she could sit there much longer having this wonderful conversation.  She did notice that Kevin sat back for most of the time just watching and only joining in occasionally.  The lunch ended after they all had a fresh fruit sorbet, and Molly was hugged as generously by both Kevin's mum and granny as they hugged Kevin.  All said parting goodbyes, with invitations for Molly to visit again, more often. 

“I think that went well,” Kevin mused as he waved to the departing car.

“Your mum and granny are wonderful,”  Molly commented.

“They obviously like you a lot.  I've never seen them so excited about someone that I've introduced them to before, Kevin answered.

“And have you introduced them to many girls?” Molly chided.

“Only Erin...” Kevin responded thoughtfully.  “Come on, we've lots to do this afternoon.  Time to get going.”

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