Thursday, February 25, 2010

Travels in Eire #34

With the time difference Cailin was up earlier than she expected. Today was going to be her first test. She would be going to her parents and have to address what she wanted to do. But that wasn't until much later today. In the meantime she looked around her flat to see what she would need to do in order to move out. She could put the furniture in storage, or sell it. She didn't need to take all her clothes, but would need her warm winter clothes for Ireland. It would not be too different from New York winters. Maybe she could ship a box of clothes and necessities over. It might take a month or so, but she would have it when she needed it.

And now to tackle the job situation. She still had the rest of the week before she was due back at work, but thought she might contact her boss for a meeting to discuss her work “from home” idea, with home being Ireland. She felt very strongly it would work and just had to convince him. Cailin had spent part of the night before laying out her plan for this.

Then there was one more needling problem to deal with. Nick. She didn't want any problems from him before, or after she left New York. The end of their relationship was one of the reasons she went to Ireland for vacation. She wanted to get far away from him. As far as she knew he didn't even know where she had been.

Cailin and Nick had been dating for two years. They met through a friend at Cailin's work. At first they seemed like the perfect couple. Both well educated, and motivated people, well-employed with everything going for them. But they were not really a match. Cailin understood that now. She never felt for Nick how she was feeling for Darren. She could always feel that there was something lacking in their relationship. First there were little things that seemed to annoy her. Nick always making comments about other women. He would tell her it was nothing, that he was just looking and that she was welcome to look too. But that was not her style. Then the flirting started. Nick always saw himself as a ladies man. Once he felt that his relationship with Cailin was secure he would show off to her at parties by flirting with all the women. Cailin told Nick how it annoyed her, but he kept reassuring her, that their relationship was solid and he was only having a good time, nothing serious.

Cailin just couldn't deal with his behavior anymore. And then she started to hear rumors about Nick seeing someone else. The whispers behind her back. She knew it was true and confronted Nick about it. He did the big apology and asked for forgiveness. Cailin knew that if she stayed with him it would only be more of the same, so she broke off their relationship. The problem was that Nick was not one to take no for an answer. He continued to hound her to take him back. She was terribly hurt but his behavior and how he had treated her. She knew he would never leave her alone unless she went away. Cailin had saved up some vacation thinking she might need it for a vacation with Nick. Little did she know it would be her salvation from Nick.

Cailin would love to ignore Nick and just take care of getting her job mobile and moving to Ireland, but she knew how Nick could be. She needed to put him out of her life permanently, so she could go to Ireland with no loose strings left in New York.

As lunch time approached Cailin picked up the phone and dialed her work number to talk to her boss.
“Hi, Joanie, can I talk to Rob?”
“Cailin, we've been wondering when we'd hear from you. Shannon's been buried in work since you've been gone. She'll be thrilled when you get back on Monday. Let me see if Rob is available.” Joanie was Rob's secretary and a friend of Cailin's.
“Well it's about time you checked in Cailin,” Rob's voice was welcoming and friendly,.
“Hi, Rob. I was wondering if you had some time to meet with me tomorrow. I'd like to talk to you about an idea I have.” Cailin was trying to be direct but not say too much.
“Cailin, can it wait until Monday when you come back to work? Why tomorrow?” Rob was definitely curious.
“It's just something I'd like to throw out and have you think about. And you know how hectic things can get at work,” Cailin really didn't want to wait for Monday. She knew Rob would find any excuse not to meet with her then.

“Okay, Cailin, how about lunch tomorrow? Luigi's? It's been a long while since we've had a working lunch to hash things out.” Rob was curious, but knew he had to wait until they had some private time to talk.
“Luigi's it is. How about 12:30? I'll see you there then.” Cailin knew Rob loved Luigi's Italian restaurant. It was a great idea.
“See you then Cailn, and by the way, welcome back.”

Cailin hung up the phone with a big sigh of relief. This was the beginning of her plan. Now just to deal with her parents and grandmother tonight.

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