Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Travels in Eire #39

On Sunday Cailin received the pictures of the flat from Susan and all the rental information paperwork that she needed to complete and fax back to Ireland to finalized the rental. She talked to Darren for a long while and he assured her that the flat was exactly what she needed and would work out well for her. It was surprising to her how well she and Darren got along this far apart. He constantly reminded her how much she was missed, and she did the same for him. They took the time to share everything that was going on in their lives, Darren with his hospital and fund-raising projects and Cailin with her plans to move. Even while they were so far apart she felt they were going closer together. One thing Cailin did not share with Darren was what had happened with Nick. As far as she was concerned it was over. She had not heard from Nick since Friday when he was planted on her stoop, and felt she had handled that situation. No reason to worry Darren about something that was a non-issue.

Sunday also brought another visit to her parents to share all her information on her move and the new flat. Everyone thought that the flat was perfect and kept asking if there was any help that Cailin needed to get moved. Cailin couldn't think of anything except for continued support in this venture. Her dad would help with moving all her stuff to a storage facility the next weekend and Cailin would move home to her old room for a few days as she made her final preparations to fly back to Ireland. That would give her time to pack up and ship some things over before she left.

Now she was looking forward to getting back to work on Monday and hoping that Rob would support her decision to work remotely. All it would take was a week of catching up on current research and seeing what needed to be done to organize her work from Ireland. The time difference was a concern, but Cailin figured she could always get up extra early to accommodate the difference so that work could be completed. Between email, phone, and web conversations for meetings, it should all work out. She had to keep emphasizing that this was a 3 month experiment, with hopes of a longer time to come.

All in all it had been a good weekend and Cailin felt things were moving along without too much trouble. Why did she still have this gnawing feeling that this was too easy? Did things really happen like this?

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